Power Up your Productivity

Learnings, teachings and advice for women looking to better understand their menstrual cycle, so that they can use it to their advantage to improve energy and success at work.

Cycle Syncing and Productivity: Your hormones are your superpower.
Hadeel Jarad Hadeel Jarad

Cycle Syncing and Productivity: Your hormones are your superpower.

Cycle syncing is a practical approach that focuses on aligning your daily tasks and activities with the specific phases of your menstrual cycle. 

In the past, most research has focused on how female hormonal  fluctuations are a negative aspect of the menstrual cycle. But, more recent studies reveal that by embracing the hormonal changes in our cycle rather than trying to suppress them, we can take advantage of what they offer us.

In this blog we outline how our hormones shift through the monthly cycle, and how we can choose different types of work during these different phases to optimise our life & productivity.

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